Thursday, October 30, 2014

No tricks, Just treats- Triple anime spotlight

So, i'd like to talk about three anime series that I recently saw. The three series are Kara no Kyoukai, Deadman Wonderland, and Akatsuki no Yona. I'll talk about them in the order I named and I'll also leave links. So, here we go:
First things first, Kara no Kyoukai. I mentioned this series in my last post and I just thought that I would give my opinion. I watched the first movie last night and I really enjoyed it. The animation was beautiful, the soundtrack was incredible, and the action scenes were insanely well put-together. Out of every series that I've ever watched, Kara no Kyoukai had the best animation. From the very first frame to the very last frame, the animation was crisp and smooth. The story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I couldn't get enough of it. It was something unlike anything that I had ever seen before and I can't wait to watch the rest of the movies. If I were to rate this movie, It would be a perfect 10/10 because personally, I had no complaints about the movie at all. I highly recommend this not just to people who like supernatural and action, but anyone who is looking for a good movie to watch. At only 51 minutes, It's easy to find the time to watch it as well.
I really think that you'll enjoy it just as much as I did.

Next is the series that I just finished: Deadman Wonderland.
I started watching this show last week and finally drove myself to finish it over the past two days. As far as story goes, it's pretty good, but don't expect the action to start right away. The real deal fights don't start up until around episode 5 and there are two 'story arcs' after that. The show starts off pretty slow because it needs to set up, but once it gets going, it's hard to stop watching. The more I watched it, the more I wanted to watch the next episode. Despite what I just said, this show gets a 7/10 for two main reasons: 
  1. The story progresses way to quickly. Characters show up and disappear way too fast for them to really take up a place in the mind of the viewer.
  2. THE MOTHER OF ALL CLIFFHANGERS. That one had to be in caps because it needed to be emphasized. It builds off of the first reason. A new character is introduced and he does some weird stuff and then disappears. Then, at the very end of the very last episode, he copies the power of another character right before the show ends. Like, what the heck did he do? How did he do that? Who the heck really is this guy? Those are just a few of the questions I have. There are probably five or six more, but those are the important ones. 
Aside from the obvious plot holes, the show was very good. The fights were awesome and the soundtrack totally fits the vibe of the show. The most interesting thing of all is that the opening song sounds like it was written by an American band. 
Here's a link to the opener:

Last but actually best: Akatsuki no Yona. The only thing that I can say about this show is that it's the single greatest anime that I have ever watched. The story, soundtrack, animation, and character development are all beautiful. I've loved every second of this show so far and I will probably post about it some more later on. As of this post, there are four episodes and so far there has been no pause in story development. Every second of the show builds on either the background story or the currently developing one, which is extremely rare even in the best anime. Another rare thing is that as far as I can tell, this anime follows the manga exactly. Not even the slightest variation so far, not even shortening certain conversations. As I said before, to me, this is the best anime that I have ever seen. There is one thing that may keep new people from enjoying it as much as I do. I love history. Especially that of ancient Japan and China and this series leans slightly on both as well as some European elements. Since it is basically historical fiction, it's not for everyone. However, even if you don't like history as much as I do, you will probably still enjoy it if you give it a try. My best friend has no clue how I can love history so much, but he loves the show almost as much as I do. 
Here's the link to the Akatsuki no Yona manga:
Again, they are the same story, it's just that one requires reading an the other doesn't.

That's all that I had to say, but I wanted to let you know that this entire post was inspired solely by Akatsuki no Yona. If not for that show, I probably would have posted after halloween. Akatsuki no Yona is my new favorite show and I believe that anyone who gives it a chance will love it. In a few days, I'm going to bring back countdowns with two super awesome countdowns that I have been thinking about making for a long time. Also, the long-awaited final portion of the Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 walk-through will be posted within two weeks-that's 14 days. Don't rush- It takes a long time to write and edit these posts, but when I see that even one person is reading them, it definitely motivates me to make more. Within the next 5 days, I will be bringing back countdowns and kicking them off with one of the most amazing countdowns yet: Top 20 anime fights. Yes, 20. If you like action anime, this is for you. There is one major condition which should be obvious. No Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, or DBZ. I would love to mention these series, but if I did, the whole countdown could be made from just DBZ alone. After that however, I will make a top 20 manga fights. These will most likely be much more graphic and a lot longer, plus, I will have actual pages from the manga that I'm talking about. Look forward to that within the next week and thanks for reading. Show this to someone you know and check out the shows/movies that I recommend. I wouldn't recommend them for everyone if I didn't think that anyone could enjoy them. Again, thanks for reading!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Why I'm delaying Ninja Storm 3 Walkthrough + Halloween Anime

I want to start this off by saying this: Yes, I didn't post my walk-through for chapters 2 and 3 of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm and I want to reply by saying this: I'll be posting the rest of the game in one shot, so it will take some time. I'll probably need another week to finish it (I'm not going to force myself to play when I don't feel like it.) and a week to write the entire walk-through. Chapter 2 is a bit spotty because I was tired, but there isn't much to it in the first place, but I can't just re-do a single chapter, so sorry about that. I'll explain everything that is missing a picture.

The second thing that I want to say in this post (Kind of the main deal of this post in the first place) is that I don't celebrate Halloween by dressing up and running around asking for candy, but instead I watch anime all night(What a surprise! An otaku watching anime all night). There might be a few of you out there who aren't going trick-or-treating as well, so I thought I would share a few things off of my Halloween playlist for anime.

1. Shiki
The dead raising back to life? No fan service? Sounds like Shiki. I watched the first two episodes and I can truly say that I got quite the case of the chills. I love this kind of mystery-horror stuff, so you best believe that I'm going to watch it.

Here's the link(Tap HTML5 once on an episode to watch on mobile or Xbox 360/One):

2. Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin

I actually don't all that much about this movie, but I was told that it is a truly amazing supernatural/ghost slayer movie series. I'm going to watch two of the series.

Click this link to watch it(And give me free download points!):

3. Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners
Again, I've heard nothing but good things about this movie series, so I'm going to watch this movie as well.

Same deal- Click the link to watch the movie:

4. Corpse Party: Missing footage OVA
I watched the original series a while back, but I still wanted to watch the OVA and I thought to myself: No better time than Halloween!
If you aren't familiar with Corpse Party, it's basically the best Anime Slasher/horror/mystery series ever with only four episodes. I loved every second of it and I think that other people will as well. Disclaimer: The original corpse party tortured souls is extremely bloody and gory. If you can't watch buckets of blood or slow torture, your probably shouldn't watch it.

Here's the link:

Well, that's that! I plan to do some kind of review for the Kara no Kyoukai movies and talk about whether I would officially recommend them to someone else after I watch them. That post will probably be up by November second. The full naruto walkthrough will probably be up the following week, but I can't be too sure since I've been playing a lot of online games with friends (Which means there might be some more DayZ on the way!). That said, thank you for reading and have a fun Halloween.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (Walk-through/Tips & Tricks)- Prologue & Chapter 1

Here it is! I was originally going to upload just the prologue on Wednesday, but I decided that it would be better to upload two chapters per week, so I also played through chapter 1. Before I get started, I'd like to explain a few things before hand. The most important thing is, I don't have any kind of capture software for my PS3, so all of the pictures are taken with my phone. That being said, it took me a while to find the right spot to take a picture from, so the pictures from the Prologue are pretty bad, but you can still see what you need to. The second thing is that these walk-through videos have no specific upload schedule, but I will post one every week. Note: If you see a random circle of light on the picture, that was because my flash wasn't off. I apologize for the bad photography.
The game opens up with the Nine tales destroying the leaf and the story with that. Since this in writing, I'm not going to describe the cut-scenes. If you're reading this, chances are you've either played the game, watched the show, or read the manga, and to those of you who haven't: check out Naruto shippuden ( 
The first thing that you get to do is choose your path. I always pick legend so, there may be times when I don't show both tabs. This time however, I wanted to show the difference. The top picture shows the options for hero or legend. The challenge for legend is to take out the masked man (Shown in the middle) and the challenge for Hero is to stop the nine tails (Shown at the bottom).

Fight the Masked Man

Protect the Village

As I said before, I always pick Legend. When that happens, you get thrown into a battle with the masked man who Minato believes is Madara Uchiha. 

The masked man isn't invisible, I just happened to take this photo while he was using a teleportation jutsu.

When you take his health down low enough, the battle ends and you switch characters. You then switch to fighting against the nine tales as the Third Hokage: Hiruzen Sarutobi. 

This is the fight screen. I decided that It would be good to include these rather than try to take a picture mid-battle.

You jump from rooftop to rooftop dodging the Nine Tails' atacks and attacking when your team mates tell you that the Nine Tails is weakened. You have one support attack that summons a group of leaf ninja all using fireball jutsu.

Reducing the health of the Nine Tails to certain points triggers support from some of the older Leaf Ninja. Namely, Shikaku Nara, Choza Akamichi, and Iniochi Yamanaka. The photo right above this is a rush photo of Shikaku Nara. The photos below this are the closing cutscenes from when you call on Inoichi.

As is customary for Naruto games, the battle cutscenes have button sequences. Each succesful sequence gives you a certain number of stars. Earning ten stars will fill up one big star up top. When you fill up all the big stars, you get to watch a bonus clip.
 Or in this case, earning all of the stars gave me this awesome super fire jutsu.
When you finish a battle, this is the screen that you see. It shows you if you completed he bonus objectives, which as you can see, I completed. Don't be fooled. This is probably one of the easiest fights in the entire series.

After succesfully pushing the NIne Tails out of the leaf village, you then go back to fighting as Minato. 

If you got the star in the last cutscene, You'll see Minato use a contract seal on the Masked Man to remove the Nine Tails from his control. 

This next part is super important!!!! Not actually, but you get to see something cool. I'm not 100% sure of the exact way to unlock this, but I think that if you use the ninja dash and get the first hit in on this part of the fight, you unlock a special clip of Manato using the Flying Raijin Level 2 (As seen below)

Everything was moving super fast, so I barely had time to take a picture of this, but if you notice, it says secret factor. I'll have to try to get more secret factors in later boss battles, but for now, this is the only one I unlocked.

After beating the Masked Man to a pulp, I decided to finish the fight with style.

The big circle on the left is a rasengan. If you are unaware of what this is, it's the 4th Hokage's final jutsu: The yellow flash. Not my favorite Minato jutsu, but it definitely has style.

The picture below is probably the worst of them all. I was trying to take a picture of Minato using the Reaper Death seal on the nine tails, but the flash from my camera ruined it.

Reaper Death Seal

Here's my battle completion screen.

This is the screen that you get when you finish a main boss battle. It gives you the overall score from your fights and just tells you how well you did. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so don't be surprised by all of the S-Ranks. I do fights 2 or 3 times in order to unlock everything.

Chapter 1

When chapter one starts, the story jumps ahead in time to Naruto. You do a bit of walking around and you do a non-story mission. I didn't take any pictures of that because it's not really important. After that, Kiba kind of drops out of nowhere and informs you that Danzo has become Hokage and that he has declared Sasuke Uchiha a rogue ninja. Of course, Naruto is angry about this and he tries to go speak to Danzo. Kakashi tells him that he needs to calm down and Naruto goes to his home. You sit through a short thought scene from Naruto and then you set out to speak to Danzo. On your way to the Hokage's mansion, you get stopped by Captain Yamato. That is the first fight of the chapter.

This is super easy so, yeah. Yamato is easy to beat. 

Like I said, Yamato is easy to beat, so I beat him in one shot. He's really slow, so it's easy to combo him. Finish him with Ultimate Jutsu for a free bonus S-rank.

After you beat Yamato, Kakashi shows up and talks to Naruto. He explains that Danzo left for the Five Kage Summit in the land of Iron. He also explains that the reason Sasuke was declared a rogue ninja was because he attacked the 8-tails jinchuriki who happens to be the brother of the Raikage. Naruto heads out with Kakashi and Yamato to convince the Raikage to forgive Sasuke. When Naruto runs into the Raikage, the Raikage talks bad about Sasuke and as a result, Naruto wants to fight him.

 When fighting the Raikage, save your substitutions for when he actually combos you. With the right timing, you can dodge his ninjutsu and final jutsu. Rasengan works pretty well against him as well.
This actually took me one try. Usually I get caught by his combos. And get an A or B-rank.

After you fight the Raikage, He pretty much leaves without a scratch even if you win. This is just part of the story. Right after that, you meet someone who claims to be Madara Uchiha and you fight him as well.

Trick to beating Madara? Use a lot of ninjutsu. Then, when he's used up all of his subsitutions, crush him with an endless combo.

Madara tells Naruto the truth about Itachi and explains to him why Sasuke doesn't want anything to do with the leaf. After Madara disappears, you switch characters to Sasuke. As Sasuke, your main objective is to raid the Five Kage summit venue and kill Danzo/ However, as soon as you enter the building, the Raikage intercepts you and you have to fight him. 

Fighting the Raikage is pretty easy. Use the Inferno style to keep him off of your back and attack using your supports. Then, when you have full support gauge (Flaming thing behind your health bar), triple tap the Triangle button (Y button if you are on Xbox) and then hit the attack button right after in order to do team ultimate jutsu. It almost never misses and the only thing that they can do is block.

Don't let this fool you. Right after you fight the Raikage, you have to fight Kazekage Gaara.

As a boss-level character, Gaara is pretty solid. Three bars of health, High defensive abilities, good support. The best choice would be to hit him with both of your supports first so that you have a support drive. Then, combo him and your teammates will join in as well. Again, team Ultimate Jutsu is always nice.

So, once you beat Gaara, you see a short cut-scene of Sasuke using the Susano'o. I didn't think to take a picture of it, but you see his Susano'o later in the game, so I'll get it then. After that, you go into one of the coolest things that has ever been in a Naruto game before. You get a choice between Hero and Legend.

So, I always choose legend, but I'm showing both options in case you just want to shoot through the early parts. Karin is your support for this section and you'll definitely need her.

Upon choosing Legend, you get to do a really cool free-roam/maze style fight. You get the basic fighting HUD, but you have full control over where you move. In this way, you have to fight through 40 enemies using your basic melee, your range attacks, and your ninjutsu. There's a couple guys in this bunch that you get to finish off with a cool Susano'o + Chidori combo. When you're done, it should look like this:

Getting S-Rank is super easy on this part, so it should only take one try.

At the end of the corridor you fight through, you trigger a cut-scene where Sasuke kind of just shows up in the Five Kage meeting room. Of course, Danzo runs away. While you are chasing Danzo, you run into Mei Terumi-The Mizukage (By far the most oversexualized character in the entirety of the naruto series). 

 Here it is, the last battle of chapter 1. Mei Terumi vs. Sasuke Uchiha. Beating Mei is not easy because she is pretty strong. If you can dodge her combos, she can't counter combo you right away, which gives you an advantage.
This is just a cool shot that I happened to get. Sasuke just says: "get out of the way".

And that's the end of Chapter 1. I know. I screwed up on the last battle, but I was way too tired to retry it so I just let it be. Most of the time, you should be able to get S on this chapter. It's pretty easy. I just got an A because I got careless against the Mizukage. 

So, that's the walk-through of the Prologue and Chapter 1. I meant for this to be up yesterday, but I got distracted by Horror anime... I'll do a post about those sometime. Aside from that, Chapters 2 & 3 will be up by next saturday (Probably earlier). It usually depends on my mood. I've been busy with schoolwork most of the week, so I haven't been in the mood to write this, but as far as I can tell, next week will be light, so I'm going to play through chapter 2 on Monday, 3 on Tuesday, and start writing my walk-through Wednesday or Thursday. I hope this helps in some way. If not, I hope you enjoyed reading my commentary and laughing at my bad photography. I might be posting another part of DayZ funny moments soon, so keep an eye out for that. Added to those things, I want to make a post talking about Psycho-pass 2 and Log Horizon 2. I've been waiting a while for both of them, so it's exciting to see that second seasons are coming out. That's all that I have to say. 

Thanks for reading and come back again please!


Saturday, October 11, 2014

DayZ adventures (DayZ funny moments #2)

This post isn't going to be very long because I'm not going to post everything that I have. I was originally going to make this post include both DayZ and the Naruto games that I've been playing, but I actually decided that I'm going to make a series of Naruto posts detailing ultimate ninja 3. Each post will have pictures from all of the fights all the way up to the boss battle for that section. I never bothered actually counting but I believe that each post will have 10 or 11 pictures and then, once I get to the final boss battle, I'll try to get one of my friends to take a full video of the final fight. (Note: The final fight is at least 10 minutes, so it's hard to get someone to sit there and hold the camera up at the screen for that amount of time.[Second Note: I can't afford any special capture devices for my PS3, so I just use a high-res camera to take pictures and record video. That was the main thing that I wanted to mention, so here is my DayZ stuff:
It's been a while since I've made a DayZ post, only because it's extremely hard to find funny moments that I can take a picture of. Without someone else here I can't record any videos, so until I get the stand for my phone, it's just going to be pictures. I'm going to have the pictures in a row with the description beside each picture just for convenience and clarity.

Some people may not understand why I made a big deal out of this, but I'll explain anyway. You can't see it in the picture, but the vehicle trader is directly to my left. What this means is that the vehicles you purchase at the trader are supposed to spawn right where I was looking. The problem is that if I had bought a vehicle like I needed to, as soon as the vehicle spawned, it would have exploded because of the three other vehicles parked right in front of the trader's. I never found out who did this, but they found a great way to keep all of the missions and far away loot to themselves for almost a week.

This next one is extremely strange, but easy to explain. DayZ is extremely glitchy. However, this wasn't a bad glitch. In fact, it was hilarious and we never found out exactly how it happened. Normally, when you tow a car in DayZ, the bumper of the car that you're towing gets connected to the rear bumper of the car that you are towing it  with. For some reason, when my friend and I tried to tow this Land Rover with our SUV, the land rover decided that it wanted to sit on top of the SUV instead. The funniest part of this whole thing is that we actually drove the SUV like this all the way back to the trader city without any problems. Which, if you play DayZ, is a miracle.
I have some more funny pictures from DayZ, but I'm actually going to save those for a later date because I want to save them for a bigger post. I'm going to be doing quite a few more DayZ adventures posts later on, so I decided that each post is going to be two pictures. It makes it easier on me and makes things go a bit smoother. That's all that I want to share right now so thanks for reading and come back next week to see the first of my Naruto posts.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall Anime impressions + big update

To start off, I'd like to apologize for my long absence (I'll explain that at the end of the post). So, now that that's out of the way, I'll talk about the topic of this post. I'm gonna give my final impression on Tokyo ghoul, talk about Himegoto, and give my first impression on the second season of Log Horizon. (NOTE: THERE WILL BE MINOR SPOILERS. I WON'T REVEAL ANY KEY PLOT ELEMENTS OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT STAGES, HOWEVER YOU MIGHT STILL CONSIDER WHAT I SAY A SPOILER. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.)

First things first, I'd like to do a bit of advertising(note: I'm not getting paid for this). I watch pretty much all of my anime on It's my personal favorite anime streaming site because it loads quickly on both computer and mobile platforms. So, along with all of the shows I recommend, I'll now be placing links to where you can watch them. (Most of which will be on kissanime)

So, the first show i'm going to talk about is Tokyo Ghoul. I'll start off by saying that this show is not for the faint of heart. The crazy things in this series include but are not limited to: Stab wounds, excessive gore, creepy eyes, disgustingly disfigured/deformed bodies, and of course, HUMANS BEING EATEN. Yes, lots of humans are eaten during this show.
This show is about a group of people called 'Ghouls' who's only food source is humans. No, they don't choose to eat humans, they either eat humans or die. Their bodies don't process and break down regular food, so the only way that they can get the nutrients they need to survive is to eat humans. The show tells the story of Kaneki Ken, who is your average, naive, main character. Spoiler: He gets the crap beaten out of him a lot. Just kidding. That happens in almost every action anime. I watched this show from the time episode  six released until the season finale and I can say that I really wish I had found it when it had premiered. The art is gritty and the music matches the tone extremely well. So well, in fact, that most of the time, I didn't notice it until it changed. The theme song sounds a bit weird at first, but it grows on you.
After finishing the last episode, the only thing that I could think was: "READ THE MANGA READ THE MANGA READ THE MANGA." So, I read the manga and to be honest, the manga was more detailed, however, they couldn't have done the anime better. They included just the right moments to give the viewers the right impression of all of the characters. My main complaint with the whole series is that they left the show off in a way that could cause a misunderstanding. Spoiler: They completely change the viewer's perception of the main character, when according to the manga, he doesn't actually change. (Not much of a spoiler, but according to one of my friends, it can be considered such, so I took the precaution anyway.) Because of the sour taste I got from the end of episode 13, I have to give this an overall 7/10, which is way low, but only because of the ending. If I were to disregard the ending, I would say 9.5/10. The anime team did a very good job of not selecting the confusing scenes from the manga, so I can't complain. If the anime were a direct adaptation, I can't say that I would have enjoyed it as much.
If you want to watch Tokyo Ghoul, use this link: ↓
Whether or not I have mentioned Himegoto before slips my mind, so I'm going to put up a bit of a warning. Himegoto is extremely perverted is intended for mature audiences. There's even a character named 18+. Just imagine. Now that that's out of the way, I can do a mini-review of it. Himegoto is a 13 episode web short. Each episode is roughly 4 minutes and is extremely perverted. The main concept of the show is that a high school guy is being chased by debt collectors because his father left a bunch of debts in his name. For some reason, the guy was forced to dress like a girl for the debt collectors, so that's what's happening when the show starts. He runs away from these debt collectors and onto school property, where the rich student council pays off all of his debts on the spot. In return, the student council, which is comprised of 3 perverted girls, forces the cross-dressing guy, who's name is Hime (If you don't understand the joke, Hime is a girl's name. It means princess.),to join the student council and also to dress up like a girl for the rest of his high school days. This show is full of creepy and perverted antics, but is extremely funny. There are so many scenes of guys hitting on Hime that it became it's own running joke. I left out some of the major stuff because I didn't want to spoil it, so you'll just have to watch it. The total time for the show is barely an hour, so there's no reason to not check out at least the first episode.
If you want to watch Himegoto, use this link: ↓
Lastly, I'd like to talk about the second season of Log horizon. This segment will be short because I don't want to really start assuming things or even really reviewing the  show until I've seen at least 5 episodes. My initial opinion of season two, episode one was that it definitely stood up to the standards left by the finale of season one. It found a fluid way to re-cap the first season, introduce all of the previous characters, and set up for the rest of season two. However, I found one major issue with season two, episode one. They might address this in episode two, but I found it annoying that two or three times during the episode, they show a new character without giving her name, background, or even location. She shows up in the intro song, and again within the first half of the show and it bugs me that they didn't introduce her at all. I have a feeling that they will introduce her in the second or third episode, but it's just strange to me that they would feature what may become another main character without identifying them at all. Nonetheless, they set themselves up for a great season and I can't wait to watch the rest of the episodes.
If you want to watch along with me, use the link I'm leaving you. If you want to watch the first season, use the second link. (I'll label them)

Season 2:

Season 1:

And now: BIG UPDATE!

So, I'd like to explain why I've been M.I.A for the past 20 days. For the half of that time, I was sick and barely even wanted to play video games. (I did manage to grab some funny shots from DayZ, so I'll put them up sometime within the next 7 days.)  For the other half of that, I was celebrating my 18th birthday, reading lots of manga, playing lots of video games, and watching quite a bit of anime. This was all because I had writer's block so bad that I couldn't come up with a topic for even a top 10. Today was the first day in a while that I felt like I could write anything decent, so I came up with the idea to do this. After all, in the time that I was not posting, Tokyo Ghoul and Himegoto both ended and the new season of Log Horizon premiered, so I felt like I had to get my lazy self out of bed and write this really long post detailing all three. Aside from that, I've been playing a lot of Battlefield 4, DayZ, and Naruto ultimate ninja storm 2 & 3. Sometime in the next few days, I plan to come up with a DayZ tips and tricks post, but until then, I'm going to post a couple gaming things later this week. Since I'm feeling all better, I'm going to try to get back on my posting schedule and also try to find news about more new anime. (Generally, my news comes from Tumblr, but my WiFi sucks so it's hard to use without my phone. I probably post a rant about my phone sometime soon, so stay tuned for that one.) Aside from that, I've been trying to find some good editing software that won't cost my life's savings, but it's proving to be difficult since i'm a broke college student. From the looks of it, I may have to delay my YouTube channel until I can get some more money. I will be able to post a bit more in the future now that I've gotten used to my classes, however, I may not be posting that much because I'm trying to finish both the Tokyo Ghoul manga and Dengeki Daisy. They both have a lot of content that I haven't read yet, so It's going to take a while. There may be some kind of Naruto super-post coming soon (wink, wink), but the date is still hazy. I've been waiting for the manga to finally release the final battle between Sasuke and Naruto so that I can catch up. In addition to that, I've been playing the games quite a bit lately, so I've really wanted to talk about those as well. Also, I'd like to post a few pictures of all of the old Naruto posters that I just put up in my room. I found 5 of them just crammed into my closet, so I took them out and put them all up in my room.(When people come over, i'm usually playing Naruto on my ps3 so, people have begun to think that it's my favorite anime now.)The last thing that I want to announce is that I've got enough content for several weeks worth of videos, so I may be posting randomly over the next 2 to 3 weeks, but I really want to show you all of this stuff. If you made it all the way to the end, thanks for reading and please forgive my random absence. I'll be posting more now(unless I get sick again), so tell some friends about this blog, recommend it to some people, tell everyone you know that likes anime and gaming because this is what I love to talk about and i'll always be willing to talk about new stuff that's happening. Once again, thanks for reading and please keep coming back.