First things first, Kara no Kyoukai. I mentioned this series in my last post and I just thought that I would give my opinion. I watched the first movie last night and I really enjoyed it. The animation was beautiful, the soundtrack was incredible, and the action scenes were insanely well put-together. Out of every series that I've ever watched, Kara no Kyoukai had the best animation. From the very first frame to the very last frame, the animation was crisp and smooth. The story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I couldn't get enough of it. It was something unlike anything that I had ever seen before and I can't wait to watch the rest of the movies. If I were to rate this movie, It would be a perfect 10/10 because personally, I had no complaints about the movie at all. I highly recommend this not just to people who like supernatural and action, but anyone who is looking for a good movie to watch. At only 51 minutes, It's easy to find the time to watch it as well.
This is the link to the specific movie I watched: http://kissanime.com/G/376969?l=http%3a%2f%2fkissanime.com%2fAnime%2fGekijouban-Kara-no-Kyoukai-The-Garden-of-Sinners%2fMovie-001%3fid%3d25629
I really think that you'll enjoy it just as much as I did.
Next is the series that I just finished: Deadman Wonderland.
I started watching this show last week and finally drove myself to finish it over the past two days. As far as story goes, it's pretty good, but don't expect the action to start right away. The real deal fights don't start up until around episode 5 and there are two 'story arcs' after that. The show starts off pretty slow because it needs to set up, but once it gets going, it's hard to stop watching. The more I watched it, the more I wanted to watch the next episode. Despite what I just said, this show gets a 7/10 for two main reasons:
- The story progresses way to quickly. Characters show up and disappear way too fast for them to really take up a place in the mind of the viewer.
- THE MOTHER OF ALL CLIFFHANGERS. That one had to be in caps because it needed to be emphasized. It builds off of the first reason. A new character is introduced and he does some weird stuff and then disappears. Then, at the very end of the very last episode, he copies the power of another character right before the show ends. Like, what the heck did he do? How did he do that? Who the heck really is this guy? Those are just a few of the questions I have. There are probably five or six more, but those are the important ones.
Aside from the obvious plot holes, the show was very good. The fights were awesome and the soundtrack totally fits the vibe of the show. The most interesting thing of all is that the opening song sounds like it was written by an American band.
Here's a link to the opener: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzBZU1hKIzg
Here's a link to the series itself: http://kissanime.com/G/376969?l=http%3a%2f%2fkissanime.com%2fAnime%2fDeadman-Wonderland
Last but actually best: Akatsuki no Yona. The only thing that I can say about this show is that it's the single greatest anime that I have ever watched. The story, soundtrack, animation, and character development are all beautiful. I've loved every second of this show so far and I will probably post about it some more later on. As of this post, there are four episodes and so far there has been no pause in story development. Every second of the show builds on either the background story or the currently developing one, which is extremely rare even in the best anime. Another rare thing is that as far as I can tell, this anime follows the manga exactly. Not even the slightest variation so far, not even shortening certain conversations. As I said before, to me, this is the best anime that I have ever seen. There is one thing that may keep new people from enjoying it as much as I do. I love history. Especially that of ancient Japan and China and this series leans slightly on both as well as some European elements. Since it is basically historical fiction, it's not for everyone. However, even if you don't like history as much as I do, you will probably still enjoy it if you give it a try. My best friend has no clue how I can love history so much, but he loves the show almost as much as I do.
Here's the link to Akatsuki no Yona anime: http://kissanime.com/G/376969?l=http%3a%2f%2fkissanime.com%2fAnime%2fAkatsuki-no-Yona
Here's the link to the Akatsuki no Yona manga: http://www.mangareader.net/akatsuki-no-yona
Again, they are the same story, it's just that one requires reading an the other doesn't.
That's all that I had to say, but I wanted to let you know that this entire post was inspired solely by Akatsuki no Yona. If not for that show, I probably would have posted after halloween. Akatsuki no Yona is my new favorite show and I believe that anyone who gives it a chance will love it. In a few days, I'm going to bring back countdowns with two super awesome countdowns that I have been thinking about making for a long time. Also, the long-awaited final portion of the Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 walk-through will be posted within two weeks-that's 14 days. Don't rush- It takes a long time to write and edit these posts, but when I see that even one person is reading them, it definitely motivates me to make more. Within the next 5 days, I will be bringing back countdowns and kicking them off with one of the most amazing countdowns yet: Top 20 anime fights. Yes, 20. If you like action anime, this is for you. There is one major condition which should be obvious. No Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, or DBZ. I would love to mention these series, but if I did, the whole countdown could be made from just DBZ alone. After that however, I will make a top 20 manga fights. These will most likely be much more graphic and a lot longer, plus, I will have actual pages from the manga that I'm talking about. Look forward to that within the next week and thanks for reading. Show this to someone you know and check out the shows/movies that I recommend. I wouldn't recommend them for everyone if I didn't think that anyone could enjoy them. Again, thanks for reading!