Monday, May 26, 2014

DayZ funny moments #1

So, I was playing DayZ the other day and I somehow managed to find a handgun and a magazine (if you play DayZ, you know how strange it is to find both at once). After loading up my pistol, I swapped to it and tried to aim down the sights and nothing happened (note: I play in 3rd person most of the time). When I swapped into first person, I saw that this was what happened. When i clicked the fire button, it used the pistol as a melee weapon. However, when I switched it out and switched back, it was fixed. It only lasted for a short time, but it was a cool thing to see. This however raises a question, is using your pistol as a melee weapon a possible choice in the full version of DayZ?(Though I seriously doubt that they will think of that)


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