Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Manga Rant #1

This is my first rant, so I'm gonna talk about how I'm going to do these. I decided that I'll do these as Informal as I can. They'll just be numbered and I may have a title after the number but that's about it. I probably won't bother having an introduction for the rest of them. With that out of the way, I'll get to the real content:

The Breaker: New Waves.
My goodness. I love this manga so much, but every single chapter ends with a more obnoxiously suspenseful cliffhanger than the previous chapter. If you've never heard of Breaker, it's a Korean manga with 2 different manga series under the title. Breaker and The Breaker: New Waves. Don't get me wrong. They're the same story, just one is obviously a sequel. ( If you can't tell, New Waves is the sequel) It's about a kid who gets introduced into a secret world of martial arts that functions behind the scenes of Seoul called the murim he meets the strongest martial arts master in the world and learns from him. I won't go into details about the story because this isn't some kind of review. I'm here to complain about this manga. I just have one thing to say to the writers of this manga: STOP CUTTING EVERY SINGLE VOLUME IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IMPORTANT CONVERSATION. Every single volume. It gets to the end of the volume and someone says something like: "What did you just say?" or "There's no way that's true" or "I thought you were dead." Like, for real, I just want to know what the next person says. I get that it's a ploy to make you want to read the next chapter, but it's so annoying. It makes me more irritated than it does anxious. Every single time, the first thing I want to do after reading a chapter of Breaker: New waves is kick something because it ends so abruptly. There is absolutely zero indication that the chapter is going to end until you hit the 'this was translated by..' page. Nonetheless, I still read every single chapter because I got hooked on the series from the first time I read it. Despite the ridiculous cliffhangers, the story is really good, so check it out here:

Thanks for reading and check out the breaker and the breaker new waves.
BTW: I'm writing this at 2:09am, so if there are any spelling errors, please ignore them.

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