Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Super Update: Anime/Manga/Gaming

I've been very busy with school and all that so I haven't been able to post like I want to. I may not have been posting, but I have been reading lots of manga and playing quite a bit of video games. I know what you're thinking: "If you've had time to play video games, how come you didn't post?"
The answer to that question is simple: I promised some of my friends that I would play games with them. However, I do have 3 games and 2 manga to talk about so, I figure it was worth doing. After that, I'm gonna talk about the round of animes that are coming to a close right now and the ones that are going to start up next month, so please keep reading. Thanks!
First up: Gaming-

I'm gonna give a first impression on 3 PC games that I have been playing a lot lately. First thing first, these games are pretty old, but I've only recently started playing them a lot so yeah.

#1- League of Legends
I know that this game has been out for a while, but I only just recently got it to install properly on my computer, so I've been playing it quite a bit. My first impression of the game was that it was a solid 8/10 right away. I know that some people will hate me for not rating it higher, but there are some things that I don't like about this game. The main thing that I don't like about LoL is that it is a very experience-based game. There are very few guides on how to get started, and the tutorial sucks. In order to understand a lot of things, you need to play a lot and die a lot. I've dropped quite a bit of time into this game and i'm still learning what's good and what's not. The second thing that I don't like about LoL is that it takes a lot of time to play a single match. I mean, it's good if you can get into your rhythm, but for me with parents who like to ask me to do things all the time, I can only get a game or two in before I'm afk (for those of you who don't play PC, afk stands for away from keyboard) every 10 minutes. Aside from those two main things, I really enjoy the game as long as I have some experienced players giving me advice. (Btw, if you play LoL, my tag is Kenjutsu no Ou. If you have any tips or if you wanna play, add me.)

#2- Vindictus
I'm not gonna say much about this game other than the fact that you should try it out. Vindictus is an MMORPG and I haven't gotten super far in this game, but so far, I love it. The combat is dynamic and extremely wild. There are destructible environments and there are some cool character options. There is one thing that I don't like about Vindictus however. My main problem is that all of the classes are gender-locked. I know that they are gender-locked because they each have a specific background and a separate story that comes up later in the game. As I said, I haven't gotten too far, so I'm gonna try to get farther and maybe do a review or a spotlight on it or something.

#3- Ghost Recon Phantoms
This could possibly be my favorite PC shooter. I've always been a fan of Ghost Recon and an even bigger fan of 3rd person shooters, This game plays very tactically and there are more weapon and character customization options than even battlefield. You can pick different play styles for each class with each class having two different weapon types and two character abilities. There is, however, one fatal flaw for this game; Every now and then, the game will hit a major lag-spike and you'll get kicked out of the match and logged all the way out of the game. I don't know what the circumstances are for this, but If you have a good internet connection it won't affect you. (I have a crappy internet connection and my friend doesn't) So if you have a connection good enough to run smoothly on games like call of duty and battlefield, you should be fine, but if you get bad lag you might have issues every now and then. I know I made it sound bad, but If i'm still recommending the game, it's obviously not unplayable. It only happens after 2 or 3 matches, so I'm not one hundred percent sure that it's a connection problem, but rather a flaw in the code. I'm actually going to message the people who do maintenance on the game and see if they can fix the problem.
Now, it's time for manga!

Over the past week, I've finished two manga and I'll do a bit of a spotlight on both of them.

#1- High School of the Dead
Yes, I know, this manga is old but I actually wanted to wait until they decided that the story was over to read it. And let me tell you, I should have read it earlier. It's amazingly drawn and totally action packed. I love the art style. I like how the author emphasizes mental state by using the shades in the panels. I really wish that they would have continued, but if the writer isn't into it anymore, I can't get angry about that. However, I have to say. Read it.

#2- Aiura
Aiura is a 4-panel slice-of-life manga and it's super funny. It starts off pretty slow, but once you get to chapter 3, it's non-stop laughs. The comedy in it is very light-hearted and childish, so even the youngest manga reader is okay to read it (although, I doubt saying whether it's okay or not will change much). It's good to read if you're just passing the time. There isn't much of a story considering it's slice-of-life, so you can pick it up any time. I definitely recommend it for anyone.

Last but not least, Anime

There are quite a few anime that are coming to a close, but there is only one that I will do a full review of. That would be Tokyo Ghoul. I was originally a little skeptical  of it, but now it's one of my favorites. Once the show ends, I'll do a full review, so look out for that.

Next thing is fall anime. This is a tentative list of things that will I will watch that will be starting in or after October:

Log Horizon-Season 2
No game No Life- Season 2
Psycho-pass RE:Start

I plan to do a full set of reviews for all of these, as they are all second seasons to some of my favorite shows. So look forward to first impressions, mid-seasons, and full reviews at the end.
So, I didn't remember this until the conclusion, but I plan to start making YouTube videos starting soon. Nothing major, just a few anime/manga/gaming highlights and maybe a few tips and tricks from tough parts in games, and maybe just some funny things that my friends and I do. I'll post more about it as I get things set up and hopefully that will be sometime in November. Now, I know that my schedule for blogging is kind of thrown off, however, when I start posting videos, I will be doing at least one video and one blog post per week. If any interesting things come up, i'll post about those as well. To the people who have been helping me get views on my blog, thank you and please keep showing this to new people. Thanks for reading and have a great day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Nostalgia!- My Top 5 Video Game Songs

*Note: If I don't specify which version of the game that I am talking about, assume that I am talking about the original version. Also, there are links just in case you still aren't sure which song it is.

5. Super Mario Bros. theme
Everyone knows it. It's catchy and classic.

4. Legend of Zelda theme
This song represents hours of fun times and frustration, but overall, It has lots of good memories behind it.

3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 theme
I know that someone is going to have an argument about this being so high on the list and I'll explain why. This is the first game that I ever purchased by myself and the first game that I ever became pro-level in. Not to mention, this was created by hanz zimmer, who makes the most ear-gasmy songs ever. So yeah, it's number three on the list.

2. Pokemon generation 1 battle music
I cannot tell you exactly how much I love pokemon. There are no words to describe that feeling. Ive been with pokemon since I could understand english. 1998 was when the first season came out and I watched it as a kid. The first game I ever played was Pokemon blue version, and the first game that I ever owned was Pokemon yellow Pikachu edition. I love playing pokemon even today. (I might even make a couple of posts about some cool rom hacks, maybe even some reviews)

1. Halo 2 theme
One word. Two sylables. Eargasm. I don't know what it is about electric guitar over top of a symphony, but it sounds incredible. I love this song and it is almost always in the back of my mind. (I even learned how to play the rhythm part on my guitar) I love this song, I love the halo series, and I can't wait to play through the master chief collection. 

That's all that I have for right now, In two or three weeks, I may drop a review of SAO2. It looks to be winding down, so it may end at episode 12 or 13. Sometime soon I plan to do a comparison review of Black Lagoon. (Manga vs. Anime) Basically, I'm gonna tell you when it's better to read or to watch. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and listening to these songs. Thanks for reading and come back again. Show this to someone else if you feel so inclined. 