*Note: If I don't specify which version of the game that I am talking about, assume that I am talking about the original version. Also, there are links just in case you still aren't sure which song it is.
Everyone knows it. It's catchy and classic.
4. Legend of Zelda theme
This song represents hours of fun times and frustration, but overall, It has lots of good memories behind it.
3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 theme
I know that someone is going to have an argument about this being so high on the list and I'll explain why. This is the first game that I ever purchased by myself and the first game that I ever became pro-level in. Not to mention, this was created by hanz zimmer, who makes the most ear-gasmy songs ever. So yeah, it's number three on the list.
2. Pokemon generation 1 battle music
I cannot tell you exactly how much I love pokemon. There are no words to describe that feeling. Ive been with pokemon since I could understand english. 1998 was when the first season came out and I watched it as a kid. The first game I ever played was Pokemon blue version, and the first game that I ever owned was Pokemon yellow Pikachu edition. I love playing pokemon even today. (I might even make a couple of posts about some cool rom hacks, maybe even some reviews)
1. Halo 2 theme
One word. Two sylables. Eargasm. I don't know what it is about electric guitar over top of a symphony, but it sounds incredible. I love this song and it is almost always in the back of my mind. (I even learned how to play the rhythm part on my guitar) I love this song, I love the halo series, and I can't wait to play through the master chief collection.
That's all that I have for right now, In two or three weeks, I may drop a review of SAO2. It looks to be winding down, so it may end at episode 12 or 13. Sometime soon I plan to do a comparison review of Black Lagoon. (Manga vs. Anime) Basically, I'm gonna tell you when it's better to read or to watch. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and listening to these songs. Thanks for reading and come back again. Show this to someone else if you feel so inclined.
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