Monday, June 30, 2014

Anime Countdown: Top 10 Ninja

This countdown is self explanatory, so i'll just clear up one thing. This has nothing at all to do with abilities or strength. This is strictly my opinion. As such, I will only use one phrase to describe them. Enjoy.

#10-Hannya-Rurouni Kenshin
Combines illusions with reality to attack successfully

#9-Saizo Kirigakure-Brave 10
Extremely talented and uses a special sword

Crystal Ice Mirrors

#7-Madara Uchiha-Naruto Shippuden
Fought the 5 Kages as a warm-up

#6-Shigure-Kenichi the mightiest disciple
Her combat IQ is about ten times her real IQ

#5-Kakashi Hatake- Naruto Shippuden
Lightning blade is one of my favorite jutsu

#4-Misao Makimachi-Rurouni Kenshin
Childish and scatterbrained, but also mature and skilled in combat.

#3-Minato Namikaze-Naruto Shippuden
The fourth hokage: "Yellow flash of the leaf"

#2-Miharu Rokujou-Nabari no Ou
This kid deceives people as a hobby

#1-Agiri Goshiki-Kill Me Baby
Spends 99% of her screen time in derp face, yet is supposedly a pro ninja

Well, I hope you liked it. If there's a character that you like, or if you want to just recommend shows to review or even countdown topics, leave a comment or email me at
Thanks for reading!

Anime Countdown: Top 5 Anime powers (+ apology)

Although I said that I would post these last three countdowns by yesterday, I haven't even been feeling well enough to leave the house, and when I did, I jammed my thumb playing basketball. Nonetheless, I apologize for the tardiness of these countdowns and hope that you enjoy reading them despite the fact that they are late.
Getting on track, I'd first like to say that this is not a 'who would win in a fight' thing, this is just the sole evaluation of the abilities themselves and how effective they are. That being said, read my explanations before you tell me you think I should switch the order. Also, I don't want to be rude, but don't try to justify replacing a power with another if you haven't seen the show that the power is from. That is simply because I believe it's kind of ignorant to argue against something that you know nothing about. Please enjoy!  =P

#5: Rinnegan-Naruto Shippuden
So, first on the list is the rinnegan. I do think that the rinnegan is extremely powerful (maybe a bit O.P.), however, if you look at the abilities you gain just by having the eye, you get enhanced perception, increased speed and strength, subconscious intimidation, and access to the most powerful ninjutsu in existence. However, the rinnegan itself doesn't trigger these things at random to protect the user, so the only actual rinnegan abilities give the user better means to protect themselves. It was for that reason that the rinnegan is only #5.

#4: Vampirism

I could explain for days what i'm talking about, but if you've ever seen vampires in anime, those are the kind of vampires that I actually imagine. (Rosario Vampire, Blood+, Blood C, Bakemonogatari, etc.). The increased strength, speed, and reaction time instantly put it on par with #5 on the list (On pure abilities alone). However, the one edge that I would give to the vampires over the ninjas is immortality. (Don't tell me about reanimation or rinne-rebirth, i'm talking about undisturbed living.) Based on pretty much every vampire anime I have seen, the only way for them to die is to actually be killed( I won't go into details on how because they vary based on the time period of the show as well as the region that the writer is from). Added to that, increased regenerative abilities give them another edge, which is why vampirism gets #4.

#3:Titan Transformation: Shingeki No Kyojin
If you can't agree that this power is awesome, then watch this show because you obviously haven't seen it in action. Although the manga does a better job at explaining this phenomenon, the anime just emphasizes that this ability can either save or doom humanity as a whole. One guy with this ability can make the difference. The main attributes that make this power incredible are of course, the size change, and the boost in strength because of that size change. No matter how hard I try, I won't be able to explain it, so you're going to have to watch the show or read the manga to understand why I've placed this show in the #3 slot.

#2: World Class Magic- Log Horizon
I've placed world class magic in the number two slot because it can change anything down to the laws of physics in a specific world. The best example is the basis of the show: One spell turned the real world into a game. There's no better explanation to why this show deserves the #2 slot.
P.S.-If you've watched the show, you should understand the picture.

#1: Shinrobansho-Nabari no Ou
I know that you're thinking: What could possibly be more powerful or more effective than magic that changes the world?
The answer is simple: Infinite knowledge. That's what the shinrobansho is. I'ts knowledge in a pure form. It's so powerful that it can raise take or give life on accident. The user's emotional or physical state can and will automatically trigger the shinrobansho to protect them, which in essence, spells death for all enemies. It can change isolated events in time and even reverse time temporarily. However, a power this powerful must have adverse effects. If automatic protection is triggered and you don't have the strength to control it, the shinrobansho will kill everything around it just for fun and may even take over your body against your will. Of course, the other adverse effect is that if you use a very demanding technique, you could drop dead after using it, giving the shinrobansho an opportunity to jump into an unknowing host and take them over. Although it is just knowledge, the shinrobansho has a mind of it's own and is thirsty for blood. If the user is not careful and strong willed, they could easily lose themselves to it.

So, those are my favorite anime powers, if you believed that something should have been on the list other than what I had, feel free to comment or to email me at: Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Anime countdown: Top 5 Tsundere Characters

So, one of my favorite anime characteristics of all time is tsundere. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with a tsundere character, but these are the ones that I thought were best portrayed as a tsundere.

#5- Akatsuki- Log Horizon
As in the case of most tsundere, Akatsuki get's embarrassed whenever somebody asks her about Shiroe, the guy she likes. On top of that, because she is a ninja, she considers Shiroe her master, which basically means she's pretty much by his side 24/7 which makes for an interesting scene whenever she tries to say that she doesn't have a crush on him.

#4- Aria H. Kanzaki- Aria: The scarlet ammo
Aria is a special police officer known as a butei. Her partner, who she calls her slave, is named Kinji, and she has the biggest crush on him as possible. It's really obvious from even the first episode that she likes him and it only gets funnier every time someone mentions it.

#3- Yui Ichii- Yuyushiki
Yui is a normal girl who hangs out with the two weirdest girls I've ever seen (and that's saying something since all of the girls that i know are either crazy or hardcore otaku). They constantly embarrass her and she get's extremely tsundere every single time they talk about anything emotional or personal. However, if you aren't experienced at spotting tsundere, you might not notice some things.

#2- Tsumiki Miniwa- Acchi Kocchi
Tsumiki is part cat and part tsundere. Okay, so she's not actually part cat, that's just a running joke/theme in the series. However, she is ridiculously tsundere and shows it off in every episode of the anime.

#1- Kagami Hiiragi- Lucky Star
As you can see, Kagami is the picturesque tsundere. In fact, several times in the show, she actually accepts being called a tsundere by Konata. However, the real tsundere action doesn't officially take place until the second manga series: Lucky Star: Comic a la Carte. Nonetheless, in the show, she still proves to be the best tsundere out there and that's why she earns this spot as #1.

I hope you enjoyed the countdown. The next countdown will be top 5 anime powers, so please check it out. Thanks for reading!

Anime Countdown: Top 5 Comedy Animes

So, I finally got around to posting my next set of countdowns, and they'll all be up within the next two days. They will be followed by a review of my new favorite anime: No Game No Life. So, without further delay, here are my top 5 funny animes:

#5-Cuticle Detective Inaba
 Despite the name of the show, there is absolutely no crime solving involved in this show. The main character is a werewolf who used to work for a special police unit. His rival is a mafia boss who happens to be a goat. If you can't see the humor in my description, just watch the show and you'll see.

  #4-Seitokai Yakuindomo
I would only recommend this show to people who can understand mature jokes because the show itself may look pg-13, but almost every joke in this series is R-rated. Although a lot of the jokes in this show are sex related, I didn't find it tiring at all. Every single joke seemed original to me.

This show is extremely hilarious and appropriate for all audiences. There are a few dirty jokes here and there, but they are the childish kind (basically when kids go: "I wonder why..."). Either way, this show will keep you laughing no matter how many times you watch it. (I'm currently watching it for the 3rd time!)

#2-Lucky Star
This was the show that for me, started it all. This was the first slice-of-life anime that I ever watched, and I haven't really stopped watching it. I've probably re-watched it three or four times all the way through, and when I recommend anime to anyone, this is one of the first shows I talk about.

#1-Acchi Kocchi
My all-time favorite comedy is Acchi Kocchi (Place to Place). This show combines a little bit of everything, from some action anime components to some hardcore sports components to classic slice-of-life comedy. I never stop laughing at the jokes and events in this show and no matter how many times I recommend this to someone else, i'm always willing to watch it with someone else, even if it's just the first episode. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't like this show, even people who don't normally watch anime.

Having talked about my favorite shows, I'd now like to place a few honorable mentions on the list as well. (With no pictures, sorry.)

-Azumangah Daioh
-High school DxD
-Boku wa Tomodachi ga sukunai (I don't have many friends)
-Sora no Otoshimono
-Henneko: Hentai Prince and the stony cat
-Mayo Chiki
-Miyakawa Ke no Kuufuku
I would like to remind everyone that HENTAI DOES NOT MEAN PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT MEANS PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU MAKE A COMMENT ABOUT THAT, I WILL PUNCH YOU THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU!!!!!

Well then, thank's for reading! ^.^

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Anime top 5: Part 3- Top 5 Favorite anime fighters

I've been meaning to post this earlier, but I haven't been able to find the time. (I hurt my hand early Saturday morning and I can finally type again. And added to that, I've been feeling like crap every day.) Nonetheless, this is my top 5 anime fist fighters. (Again, not including ninjas.)

#5- Shimei Ryoumo- Ikki Tousen
Let me start off by saying this: I may be one of the few males that exist that actually got annoyed with the amount of fan service in this show. The story was amazing, but downplayed by the writer's constant want to make every character's clothes explode off. Shimei Ryoumo has always been one of my favorite characters from any anime. Not only because it's hilarious that a sadist would be a maid, but also because she is crazy strong and kind of crazy.
P.S. I'm not really sure which name is her family name, but I believe I put her family name first, which is how I'm going to do this review. (It's easier for me).

#4- Nanjo Kisara-Kenichi: The mightiest disciple
I'm not really sure what to say about Kisara other than that her personality and background make for a very good explanation why she is so good at fighting. She is fast and strong and has a kick that crushes bones. She was definitely a character that I couldn't leave out of this countdown.

#3-Shirahama Kenichi- Kenichi: The mightiest disciple
I haven't read the manga, but in the anime, Kenichi is ridiculously strong fighter at the end. However, in order to get there, he had to be a ridiculously tough punching bag. He originally is weak and scrawny, but ends up taking down some of the best fighters around. He isn't the strongest fighter yet, but he does defeat his rival at the end, which makes him the mightiest disciple. (Hence the name.)

#2-Aikawa Maki- Air master
Air Master completely changed the way I look at fighting anime. After seeing how Maki flies through the air and still lands devastating strikes, it made me really start to question a lot of the fighting that I have seen in other shows. Nonetheless, this show is action packed down to the comic relief. I can safely call anyone who fights Maki a victim because she is ridiculously strong and fast. Not to mention, she learns new moves and adapts on the fly (both figuratively and literally), which makes for awesome fight scenes.

#1- Sagara Sanosuke- Rurouni Kenshin
Though he starts off as a swordsman, Sanosuke drops his sword forever and begins to master the art of hand-to-hand combat. He reaches his best moment when he learns a new attack in one episode and turns around and defeats the person who taught him only a few episodes later. (I believe it was two weeks in terms of real-time comparison.) Though he's hotheaded and kind of stupid, Sanosuke is a great fighter who fights based off of a strong sense of morality. He wins the number one slot in this countdown for two reasons:
1. He learns a six-month technique in seven days
2. He defeats the only living master of that technique two weeks later
He learns fast and thinks faster, which is why I enjoyed watching him fight and progress throughout the entire series.

Those are my top 5 anime fighters. I wasn't too sure where to put all of these people, but I knew that these 5 had to be my top 5. However, if you are reading this and disagree, feel free to comment or send me an email with any corrections you would have made at:
 The next countdown series that I will do will be a 5-part series: top 5 favorite anime comedies,top 5 favorite tsundere characters, top 10 favorite anime ninjas, top 5 favorite anime powers, and a top 10 that is yet to be decided. Thanks for reading and please do continue to check out this blog.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Anime top 5: Part 2- Top 5 anime swordsmen

This was a lot harder to pick than the last one, so I might release a top ten sometime as well for this same topic, however, in the spirit of top 5, I did my best. Enjoy!

#5-Kagura Tsuchimiya- Ga-Rei: Zero
Kagura showed up in my 15 favorite characters list, so, I can't really say too much more about it, however, she goes from being just a swordsman to also controlling a dragon, which is awesome.

#4-Ryuuko Matoi - Kill La Kill
I really struggled on deciding whether to put Ryuuko in this top 5 only because her weapon isn't actually a sword, it's a scissor. Nonetheless, Ryuuko definitely deserved a place in this countdown.

#3-Misuzu Kusakabe - 11Eyes

Sadly enough, Misuzu slipped my mind when I was thinking of my 15 favorite anime characters (11eyes was the 10th anime I ever watched =P), but when I went back through my list, I knew I had to put her in my top 5 swordsmen. Her 5 elemental swords definitely put her in the race for the best, but it's obvious if you've seen these shows why these next to go where they do.

#2-Mirai Kuriyama - Kyoukai no Kanata(Beyond the Boundary)
If you have ever seen this show, you will understand why she is so high up on the list. Not only does she have amazing sword skills, but the sword she uses is made out of her own blood. It makes for awesome action sequences in this anime. So go watch it.

#1-Yojiro Akizuki - Intrigue in the Bakumatsu Irohanihoheto
So, Akizuki gets #1 slot based not only on sword skill, but his massive amount of intelligence and overall intimidation factor. (Not to mention, I copied a tiny bit of his sword style to make mine better!) If you want the full story on this guy, good luck because it doesn't exist. But in all seriousness, watch the show. Don't let the name intimidate you.

Honorable Mentions- These are characters that I wanted to put in the countdown, but were disqualified because of technicalities, or just weren't good enough to make it in. No pictures for these people, but you should check out their shows nonetheless.

-Captain Levi- Shingeki no Kyojin(Attack on Titan)
-Mikasa Ackerman- Shingeki no Kyojin
-Mifune-Soul Eater
-Blake- RWBY
-Saya Otonashi- Blood+
-Gin- Black Lagoon
-Yato- Noragami
-Tohka- Date-a-live
-Saizo Kirigakure- Brave 10
-Kenshin Himura-Rurouni Kenshin
Hope you liked the ranking, and if you have any conflicts with how I ranked them or who was/was not on the list, feel free to comment or email me at

Part 3 will be up tommorow, so look for it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Anime top 5: part 1- My top 5 anime Gunslingers

So, I can't decide which anime I want to review right now, so I decided to put up a 3-part ranking series that I've been thinking about this week: My top 5 anime gunslingers, top 5 anime swordsmen, and my top 5 crazy strong anime fist-fighters (from anime that i have watched)  and maybe some honorable mentions as well. NOTE: These are only from series which I have watched at least 5 episodes of. I have already posted a list of anime that I have watched earlier. ALSO-None of the characters on any of these lists will be from Naruto or Naruto shippuden. I plan to make a separate top-10 Anime ninjas later on.

#5-Train-Black Cat
Train starts off as an assassin, but later on becomes a hero and fights his biggest rival, who used to be his friend. His custom revolver is amazing and on top of that, train is an awesome shot. I would definitely recommend checking this show out just to see train.

There isn't much that I can say about Madlax other than that this girl was the reason that I started looking at other shows with female gunslingers.

#3-Satomi Rentaro-Black Bullet
Satomi isn't necessarily a gunslinger, but his mad skills with his pistol are definitely worth mentioning. I can't describe much more without spoiling the series, so just watch it.

#2-Jo-Bakuretsu Tenshi
Jo is an amazing character who's emotional range makes any scene with her in it a thousand times better. To really understand and appreciate this character, you have to watch the show, so check it out on YouTube.

#1-Revy-Black Lagoon
Of course, my #1 is Revy. Of all of the gunslinger anime that I have watched, Black Lagoon has the best gunfights and the most interesting characters. The most interesting of all of them is of course, Revy.

So, these are my top 5 Anime gunslingers. If there is a character that should have been on this list that isn't, feel free to send  the name of the character and the show they are from in an email, or just leave it as a comment. Part 2 will go up tomorrow. Thanks!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Random Anime Post-15 of my favorite characters

So, I got the Idea to make a list of 15 of my favorite anime characters (in no specific order). Here they are (with pictures and one short phrase on why I think they are awesome)

-Itachi Uchiha-Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Don't piss him off

-Tsumiki Miniwa-Acchi Kocchi (Place to Place)
Half cat, Half tsundere

-Konata Izumi-Lucky Star
Master of all Otaku

-Kagami Hiiragi-Lucky Star
 Textbook Tsundere (Moreso in the mangas)

-Revy-Black Lagoon

Beretta M92 Custom

-Roberta (Rosarita Cisneros)-Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail

Bloodhound of Florencia

-Agito/Akito Wanijima-Air Gear
Multiple Personality (Yandere maybe?)

-Levi- Shingeki no Kyojin
No words needed.

-Nanami Momozono- Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kamisama Kiss

I don't even know

-Misao Kusakabe-Lucky Star

Acts like me


Ultimate Gunslinger

-Yuki Nagato-The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Somehow expresses emotions without showing any.

-Hikage Miyakawa- Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku (The Miyakawa family's hunger)

Is in control of her older sister

-Kagura Tsuchimiya

Job Description: New-age samurai/exorcist

-Alice- Kamisama no Memochou (Heaven's Memo Pad)
12 years old- Best hacker in the world

In the future, I will most likely post reviews of all of these anime series at some point.
